What Can You Do In Adobe Premiere Pro

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Step 2: Ingest Proxy If you want to create proxies, you need to do it just before importing the file in Premiere Pro. With the help of Media Browser, launch the folder having the file resolution clips on which you are about to use proxies. Jan 31, 2019 Adobe Premiere Pro is widely known to be one of the prime choices for any professional video maker. And it has some history to back it up. The latest version is the one that you've downloaded from the official website. It downloads all the updates automatically.

Here are the steps you need to take to properly export your videos in Adobe Premiere Pro.

For anyone who's ever worked on any video project big or small, the greatest thrill (and perhaps the greatest terror) are always those last moments before you finally hit 'export'. Depending on the length of your project, the file size and your computer's processing abilities, the export process can range from a few minutes to several hours. And that period can be excruciating!

Premiere Pro is the leading video editing software for film, TV, and the web. Creative tools, integration with other Adobe apps and services, and the power of Adobe Sensei help you craft footage into polished films and videos in one seamless workflow. Premiere Pro can import these container files, but the ability to import the data that they contain is dependent on the codecs (specifically, decoders) installed. By installing additional codecs, you can extend the ability of Premiere Pro to import additional file types.

However, for those who might just be starting off, simply finding the proper way to export in Adobe Premiere Pro can be tricky if you haven't done it before. In this short tutorial, we can teach you everything you need to know not just about how to export – but also some quick tips for the best ways to export.

Get my Premiere Pro Effects Preset Pack!: this Adobe Premiere Pro tutorial, I will show you how to create 5 different creative vi.

So, before you click around and try to find that big red 'export' button in Premiere Pro, here are the four steps that you'll need to take to properly export your video project before you go and share it with the world.

Did You Know?

85% of online videos are watched without sound. Order professional captions and subtitles for your videos.

Microsoft parallel desktop. 1. Make sure your project is done and ready to export!

Yes, you want to export now! But please, please, please double check your work and make sure everything is exactly how you want it. I'd suggest at the bare minimum that you should attentively watch your video all the through at least twice to make sure there are no glaring mistakes.

If you'd like to watch your video on a bigger screen than the default Premiere Pro setup, simply hover your mouse over the program screen on the top right and click the (`) key to make the screen larger. (You can even go further and click (Control + `) to make the screen completely full.)

2. Go to File / Export / Media

Only once you are absolutely sure that you are ready to export can you start the process. To export, navigate your mouse to your 'File' program tab at the top of your screen. Scroll down the options until you get to 'Export' near the bottom of the options. From there, you'll want to choose the 'Media' option to bring up the export box. (For a shortcut, you can also just press Control + M on a PC and Command + M on a Mac.)

3. Customize Your Export Settings

Once you click 'Media' an 'Export Settings' box will be brought up. Don't just click through yet! These export options are highly customizable and might need to be changed depending on what you'd like to do with your video once it's exported.

For many, the simplest and safest option might be to check the 'Match Sequence Settings' box at the top right. But that's only if you were working with a sequence which you knew was a good fit for your footage and upload needs.

You can also individually customize just about all parts of your video export including: Effects, Video, Audio, Multiplexer, Captions and Publish controls. At the very bottom of the right panel you'll also see your Estimated File Size based on your current settings (keep this in mind if you need to keep your export under a certain size). You can also choose a video format that fits your size and quality standards.

If you'd like to research some information into what settings you might need to include for various upload platforms, here are some recommended settings to keep in mind:

4. Name Your File and Destination

Also, before you export you'll want to make sure you've properly named your export file as well as chosen your desired location. To do this, you'll need to click on the 'Output Name' which appears in default as the name of your sequence in blue text (which you can click on).

Watch out as by default Premiere Pro will save exports to the last location an export was saved to. So if you're working with multiple file folders or hard drives, you might end up saving to the wrong spot which can cause problems if the export file is very large.

5. Click Export (or Send to Queue)

Finally, once you're settings are set and you're ready you can take a deep breath export! You have two options here. You can click the 'Export' box at the bottom and the export will begin in Adobe Premiere Pro. The file will be saved to wherever you chose as the destination when done.

You can also choose the 'Queue' box which will transfer the export process to Adobe Media Encoder (as long as you have Adobe Media Encoder installed – which is included in most cloud packages). This is preferable for some as a better exporting platform, as well as allowing you to stack several exports up one after another if you are working with several exports at once.

And that's it! If you have any troubleshooting issues, you can find some more resources on Adobe's website here.

Color grading is an advanced video editing technique. It allows you to edit the way colors appear on film in post-production. With color grading, you can make scenes more lifelike, achieve a specific look, or infuse emotion into a scene.

In this three-part tutorial on color grading, we'll cover everything, from basic fundamentals to advanced techniques. Although this tutorial is based on Adobe Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve, the process is essentially the same no matter what software you're using.

Let's dive into the first episode – color grading fundamentals in Adobe Premiere Pro!

Overview of Color Grading Fundamentals

In this episode of our How To Video series, Nick LaClair, head of video production at SproutVideo, walks us through the basics of color grading in Adobe Premiere. Even if you use a different editing suite for your videos, his thorough guide will still help you optimize your workflow since the basic concepts will carry over.

When Is Color Grading Necessary?

If your video looks a little flat, if you filmed on different cameras, or if you're recording LOG footage, you'll probably need to color grade your footage.

Note: LOG footage is desaturated, low-contrast footage that many professional cameras shoot. It is designed to retain the most information in the footage (without losing highlights that are blown out or shadows that are too dark). It is the best way to shoot footage, but it is an intermediary, and needs to be color graded into a final image before it's ready for viewing.

Usually, color grading is the last step after editing your video down to a final cut. All your other edits should be locked before you get to this stage. Otherwise, you'll waste a lot of time redoing your tweaks to colors. Depending on the process you use, that could be a lot of time!

How to Color Grade in Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere is best if your color grading needs are minimal. For instance, it can handle tweaks to exposure and color temperature very well.


Applying Lumetri as an Effect

Lumetri is a tool built into Adobe, and can be applied as an effect to the clips you're editing in the timeline from the Effects list. If you access it in that manner, you'll use the Effect Controls menu to make changes.

Accessing the Color Grading Workspace in Premiere

Alternatively, you can navigate to Lumetri within Premiere by selecting the Color tab at the top of the screen to bring up the color grading workspace.

Premiere will automatically select the clip under the playhead, and the Lumetri corrections will open on the right hand side of the screen. Then, you'll want to make sure the Lumetri scopes are also visible on the left.

The waveform scope appears automatically (more on exactly what that is below), but if you right click it, you can open other options as well.

Overview of Lumetri Scopes

There are different scopes available to help you adjust the colors in your video. We've covered the three main types available (shown on the left in the image above), with tips for using each one.

Waveform Monitor

The colorful, nebulous graph shown in the top left of the image above is called a waveform. Waveforms are the most reliable tool for adjusting the color of your image because while monitors and settings can vary tremendously, the scope will always be consistent.

What Can You Do In Adobe Premiere Program

The Y axis goes from zero, or pure black, to one hundred, pure white. It shows you how dark or bright different areas of your image are.

The waveform, from left to right, corresponds to your image. In the example below, the bright areas to the left represent a bright area behind the female subject, while the dark areas to the right correspond to the person in the foreground, partially blocking our view.

Seeing the relative brightness of every element in your frame is a powerful tool because gives you precise data on where your picture exists in the space between too-dark and too-bright, and allows you to adjust it within that space.


The parade scope is shown to the right of the waveform in the image above. This option breaks out the red, green, and blue waveforms of your image so you can evaluate them side-by-side. This is handy when you need to achieve a specific white balance in your image.


The circular scope below the waveform and the parade scope is called a vectorscope. This scope shows you where your image falls on the color wheel. It's particularly useful for finding a neutral white point.

Using the Scopes

Each of these scopes will adjust dynamically as you make changes to the brightness, contrast, and white balance in your image. They give you quantitative data to complement how the image looks to you subjectively.

If you have any white elements in your image, you'll know your color settings are just about right when the red, green and blue waveforms all look equal.

Additional Adjustments

Basic Correction

The Basic Correction section might be more aptly named Major Correction. It contains settings for dramatically changing your visuals.

For starters, you can add a LUT, which stands for Look Up Table. A LUT is essentially a shortcut for adding preconfigured color settings based on the color space in which your footage is shot. For instance, if you shoot LOG footage, a LUT will convert it to full-color, full-contrast footage automatically so you don't have to do it by hand.

Beyond LUTs, you can tweak the color temperature, hue, exposure, and contrast. You can even use sliders to adjust different areas of luminance in your image. The latter is handy if you have an area that is too bright or too dark in your image.

Creative and Curves

You can also add what are known as Creative looks in the next section. Pick from preconfigured settings, or, create something unique by going with the Custom option. And you can edit curves, which are a more finely controllable way of changing the contrast of your footage.

Color Wheels and Match

Professional colorists use tools built around the concept of these different wheels. They enable minute adjustments to different aspects of the image, and are beyond the purview of this primer in color grading fundamentals in Adobe.

Color Grading Workflows in Premiere

One big advantage of using Adobe Premiere is that you can keep editing your video after you've graded your footage. However, there are some drawbacks.

Each of these grades is applied to your clip as an effect. It's relatively easy to copy the settings from one clip and apply them to other clips. You simply right click the clip you've already graded and select copy. Then, select your other clips, right click, and use Paste Attributes to apply those settings to the selected clips.

Color Matching

However, you might find that the exact same color settings don't work across all the scenes in your video. Lumetri provides convenient tools for correcting that issue. Simply compare the two clips side by side, and use the Color Match tool to achieve a more consistent look.

Applying the new settings to other clips is a little tricky. If you just copy and paste the attributes, as described above, you will be adding one color effect on top of another. This is unlikely to deliver the desired result.

Instead, you have to first remove any existing Lumetri effects from the clips you want to adjust. After doing so, you can then paste the attributes from your color matched clip. Select the clips that have existing Lumetri effects, right click, and select 'Remove Attributes'. Be sure the 'Effects' option is checked.

Adjustment Layer

The above workflow can admittedly be pretty clunky. Whether or not it'll work for you largely depends on the complexity of the film you are editing.

Another option is to use adjustment layers instead of applying the Lumetri effects directly to your clips. This enables you to cut your adjustment layer to fit only certain clips, and avoid having to copy, paste, adjust, remove, paste… repeatedly. The adjustment layer is the purple layer in the timeline shown in the image below.

Premier Trial

Drawbacks to Using Premiere

While you can certainly achieve good results when using Premiere for color grading, it isn't considered a professional color workflow. The main reason is because Premiere isn't a 'color managed' application. So, what does that mean exactly?

Basically, your footage won't look the same in Premiere as it does on the web or wherever it's being shared. This makes achieving a specific end result challenging, since it's really difficult to compensate for these changes. If you want to know more than that, and really want your head to spin, here is a fun entry point to the rabbit hole on color management in video applications.

What Can You Do In Adobe Premiere Pro Dc

Solutions for Color Management

In some cases, getting the color just right really, really matters and the differences between what you see in Premiere and your final output might be too different to make it a viable option for you. Luckily, there are solutions for situations like that.

One potential option is to use a color managed video editing application from the start, such as Final Cut Pro. However, you're likely to be better off using a purpose-built color grading application, like DaVinci Resolve.

DaVinci Resolve has more advanced features than Lumetri. More importantly, it enables you to achieve a consistent look no matter how you share your video once it's finalized. In the upcoming second episode of this three-part series on color grading, we'll walk you through the round trip workflow of editing in Premiere, color grading in DaVinci, and finalizing your film in Premiere.

Don't miss the rest of our How To Video series! Each episode covers a key aspect of filmmaking in-depth, and is packed with tips and tricks the pros use to get polished results. Subscribe to our newsletter to get each episode in your inbox, plus other video-focused content, all hot off the presses.

Video Editor Professional

Questions about color grading? Share in the comments below to get Nick's professional opinion.

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